DIY Sea Salt Spray

This Summer I really wanted to try something new with my hair. Not only do I want to try and give my hair a sort of detox, but I also want to have more volume and a more wavy texture. It feels so amazing whenever you’re at the beach and your hair is just super moisturized and naturally wavy by itself. Almost all the YouTube wavy hair tutorials I watch involves a sea salt spray. The problem is that most of the tutorials tell you to curl your hair first with a curling iron and then use a store bought spray. I researched one of these sprays that were highly recommended and it had so many chemicals in it I couldn’t deal. Because my goal is to stop using heat tools as well as chemicals in my hair I decided to create my own sea salt spray! 🙂


  1. Find a spray bottle and rinse it out thoroughly and then fill it 3/4 way to the top with warm water.
  2. I found a basic formula on the internet which basically said all you need are Epsom salts and water.
  3. I then added my own touches to it by putting some V05 curl scrunching spray so that they waves will hold for longer.
  4. After that I figured that everyday hair therapy is never a bad thing and decided to add some essential oils. You can use any that you love and suit you. I used coconut oil, olive oil and some Moroccan oil. Obviously you don’t want to put too much of these in because you don’t want your hair to be oily so only a couple drops of each will do. Also, on that note, measurements are very flexible so according to your spray bottle size just go with your gut.
  5. Finally once all the ingredients are in your bottle, go ahead and shake it up (queue Taylor Swift).
  6. When you apply your sea salt spray, scrunch your hair simultaneously.


In this last picture I tried out my concoction on dirty hair just in case it didn’t work out too well (and there is honestly nothing worse than ruining clean hair). The results were amaaaazing! As you can see on the left side: my hair had way more volume and waves and it was defined. It smells great and is super natural.


Let me know if anyone tries this out or you want to know about my full Summer hair routine 🙂

Keep smiling x

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